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MHM Maldives Hotel Management Beach Hotel Guraidhoo Beach Hotel Dhigurah
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Beach Hotel Dhigurah is composed of 36 luxurious rooms, divided into 4 room categories named, “Comfort”, “Sea Side”, "Beach Front" and “Sea View”. All rooms are decorated with modern and functional comfortable furniture and fixtures. In addition to rooms, the hotel facilities include “Valerian” Spa, “Orchid” Coffee Club, “Ahi” main indoor restaurant, “Absolute Thai” Thai signature restaurant at Sea Side premises and “Than'buru” outdoor restaurant the beach front.

Choosing Beach Hotel Dhigurah for your stay offers an immersive vacation experience, with access to pristine beaches, turquoise waters, and authentic Maldivian culture and cuisine. The island's local community occupies only a small portion, leaving the rest untouched. Visitors can enjoy walks through the forest to a stunning long sandbank at the island's end, passing local farms along the way. The wildlife on the island is friendly, consisting mainly of lizards, birds, and butterflies.